
SKIA's curriclum consists of a comprehensive ranking/belt system with a well-structured training and grading syllabus. The table below provides a general overview of SKIA's rank and belt system along with the type of training that is expected of each level. There are three main components of karate: Kihon (basics), Kata (forms) and Kumite (sparring). For a more detailed description of both SKIA's training syllabus and grading syllabus, please download the relevant documents from our national website HERE. You can also find additional links to kata and kumite drills referred to in the table below at one of our sister club websites - the Dee Why dojo (Sensei Jonathon) in the righthand sidebar. You need to become proficient with the training material at your level before progressing to more advanced levels.

Dedication to training: There is an expectation of a minimum of 36 hours (at least 3 months) of consistent dojo training between each of the coloured belts (9th kyu-3rd kyu),  and 72 hours (at least 6 months) for each of the levels between 3rd kyu to shodan (black belt). In addition, training at home is an important part of your karate development. For beginners, training at least 5 minutes each day, reviewing the techniques you've learned in your previous classes, will help you greatly to pick up the basic techniques. As you progress through the levels, devoting even more time is essential. If you only train in the dojo, you'll still improve, but your progress will be much slower. For brown and black belts, a minimum of an additional 2-3 hours of training at home or at other karate events/training sessions each week is highly recommended. 

Belt Rank Training Syllabus Kata YouTube Video 
10th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Shodan (1st basic kata)

Gohon Kumite (5-step kumite)

9th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Shodan (1st basic kata)

Gohon Kumite (5-step kumite)

8th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Nidan (2nd basic kata)

Sanbon Kumite (3-step kumite)

7th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Sandan (3rd basic kata)

Sanbon Kumite (3-step kumite)

6th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Yondan (4th basic kata)

Kihon-Ippon Kumite (basic 1-step kumite)

5th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Heian Godan (5th basic kata)

Kihon-Ippon Kumite (basic 1-step kumite)

4th Kyu

Basic Kihon

Tekki Shodan (1st advanced kata)

Kihon-Ippon Kumite (basic 1-step kumite)

3rd Kyu

Advanced Kihon

Tekki Shodan, Kankudai, Bassai-dai, Jion, Enpi (brown belt kata)

Jiyu-Ippon Kumite (Advanced 1-step kumite)


2nd Kyu

Advanced Kihon

Tekki Shodan, Kankudai, Bassai-dai, Jion, Enpi (brown belt kata)

Jiyu-Ippon Kumite (Advanced 1-step kumite)

1st Kyu

Advanced Kihon

Tekki Shodan, Kankudai, Bassai-dai, Jion, Enpi (brown belt kata)

Jiyu-Ippon Kumite (Advanced 1-step kumite)

1st Dan

Advanced Kihon

Jitte, Tekki-Nidan, Bassai-sho, Kanku-sho, Hangetsu, Gankaku 

2nd Dan

Advanced Kihon

Tekki Sandan, Sochin, Ji'in, Chinte, Nijushiho (black belt kata)

Jiyu Kumite (free-fighting)

3rd Dan

Impromptu Kihon & Kumite

Meikyo, Unsu, Wankan, Gojushiho Dai, Gojushiho Sho (black belt kata)

4th Dan

Impromptu Kihon & Kumite

Additional Kata, including Seienchin, Seipai, Gankaku-Sho, Nijuhachiho





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