Joining Wollongong Shotokan Karate
Adults and children ages 10+ are welcome to join Wollongong Shotokan Karate. You may attend your first class for FREE without becoming a member of the karate club. This initial free trial lesson will give you the opportunity to try us out and for us to get to know you before you decide to become a member. If you decide to continue training with us after your first lesson, all students are required to become members of Shotokan Karate International Australia (SKIA).
Should you decide to join the club, you will need to complete the SKIA Application for Membership Form (You can find the form at the bottom of this page).
Training Fees
Training fees are $60/month - due on the 1st of each month. Classes are held twice/week.
The annual SKIA Membership Fee is:
- $85 for juniors under 18 ($65 for subsequent years)
- $90 for seniors - ages 18 and above ($70 for subsequent years)
This fee includes Joining Fee, Annual Fee and Compulsory Sports Insurance. Families of three or more qualify for membership discounts.
*Please note that occasionally classes may be cancelled due to public holidays or the Resident Instructor's work commitments. Casual Training is also possible at $18 class.
Karate uniforms can be purchased from your Instructor for $30.
Grading fees are $25 for Juniors and $35 for Seniors.
Attending Your First Lesson
All ages of adults and children ages 10+, from beginners through to black belts (even if you are very rusty) are welcome to attend classes. In the case of children, we recommend that parents/carers attend and watch (or, even better, participate in!) the first lesson to get a feel for what the expectations and procedures are at Wollongong Shotokan Karate.
If you don't have a Gi (Karate uniform), please wear comfortable clothing such as a track suit or t-shirt and shorts. Please remember to bring a water bottle to every lesson.
Before you begin training, you will be required to complete the SKIA Membership Application form (You can find this form at the bottom of this page).
Entering the Dojo/Basic Dojo Etiquette
For the safety of your fellow karateka, please remove all jewellery and ensure all finger and toenails are neatly clipped prior to entering the dojo (training space). If you are unable to remove any piece of jewellery, please use tape to cover it to prevent any of your fellow karateka or yourself from getting injured.
Bowing is a sign of respect, the equivalent of a handshake in Western society. Upon entering the dojo (training hall), bow towards the centre of the room. This is a gesture of respect to the training space that we will be using.
Enter the dojo quietly. Please feel free to chat with dojo members, but avoid running around or making loud sounds.
Bow to the Sensei (instructor – literally meaning “one who comes before”). This is also a gesture of respect.
When in the dojo, please refer to the instructor as "Sensei". Outside of the dojo, you are welcome to use her first name.
Try to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the schedule start of class. If you arrive late, and the class has already lined up or started, walk quietly to the side of the room and kneel on the floor until your Sensei invites you to join the class. Once you’ve been invited to join the class, bow and join the end of the line (by the white belts).
Bow when you exit the dojo in thanks for the training you have received.
For additional dojo etiquette guidelines, be sure to read the "Dojo Etiquette" document below.

(Photo: A few friends who attended Shotokan Week in 2019)